5 Essential Sales Tips for Commodities Traders

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Being a successful commodities trader doesn’t always come easy, but these sales tips from AIFP President John Vranizan can help you develop the skills you need to succeed.

Sales Tip #1: Be Curious

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it can make all the difference in growing your sales. Think about it this way: you can’t truly figure out where a sale went wrong unless you ask. Not only will this information help you refine your general sales strategy, but it can also provide insight that will help you succeed with this client in the future.

Sales Tip #2: Be Persistent

Just because a sales lead isn’t interested right now doesn’t mean they never will be. Persistence shows potential sales leads that you are trustworthy and serious about building business relationships. Plus, it keeps you top of mind so that yours is the name they think of when they’re ready to move forward.

Sales Tip #3: Stick to a Routine

In sales jobs, routines are an important part of productivity. Choose a challenging but achievable number of calls to make each morning and afternoon and stick to it. Remember, planning your work and working your plan achieves goals.

Sales Tip #4: Embrace the Grind

Every day can’t be a huge sales day, but the best commodity traders keep up the hard work and determination even when sales aren’t coming through. In fact, grit is the common denominator in the most successful trader careers. Be confident, be creative, and stay focused even when things aren’t going your way.

Sales Tip #5: Focus on the Positive      

Optimism in trading means you believe the positive outcome of your efforts outweigh the negative. Rather than dwelling on mistakes or missed opportunities, utilize your strengths and keep moving forward with your eyes on both your short- and long-term sales goals.

How to Succeed at AIFP?

AIFP’s success is not judged by one single transaction. It’s measured by the amount of business we grow and the trust we earn with each repeat order. At American, we value partnerships as a core component of the trade, and we act as an advocate for our customers and suppliers alike. Think you want to become a trader at AIFP? We’re hiring for our trader training program in Portland, Oregon. Apply today

Learn more about our President, John Vranizan

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